As a girlfriend/wife of a "keep-it-for-later" type of guy, I know what its like to have a cluttered EVERYTHING!!
As a woman in her 30's, who has too many hobbies to count on one hand, I know what its like to have a cluttered clost, room, hallway, kitchen, garage and any where else I forgot to mention!
Lets face it, its so much easier to just get rid of these items, we know we are never going to miss, but yet, we cling to them like they are the very fiber of our beings. We stack them here, we stack them there, we squish them between all sorts of things and then we remember we might need something that was just put up on the top shelf, so we get it down and leave the box on the floor, Just In Case, we might need it.
Its exhausting to keep up with everyone's individual property, when it all gets jumbled together. And we tried to get an extra starage, at a public staring company. Well lets just say, I felt like I was playing a real life game of "Tetris" because I have to turn every box around ten times before I found a place for it to fit. That was just not cool, when things come up missing from the house, only to realize we packed it away at starage.
So the Solution, you ask?
Easy. Space Bags.
What are Space Bags, you ask? Well they are a bunch of ingeniuosly designed starage bags, that can save you tons of closet space and clear the clutter in half, sometimes even more. They are perfect for staring seasonal clothes, formal wear and big bulky jackets.
What ever your need, they will deliver.
So, I'm writing to let my readers know about the contest that Space Bags is doing!
The Clean That Closet Challenge is part of Space Bag’s online community, Space Savers. The contest encourages anyone with a messy closet in need of a little organization to enter this makeover challenge. The winnings are big, with the first 100 eligible entrants winning Space Bag products and one grand-prize winner receiving a private consultation with a professional organizer, a $1,000 gift card to Bed, Bath & Beyond, and enough Space Bag products to organize their entire home! There’s still time to be among our first 100 entrants and win free Space Bag products just for entering the contest!
To enter, participants must visit between now and Aug. 15, 2010, and explain in 500 words or less why they deserve the grand prize. Participants must also submit a photo or brief video showcasing their messiest closet. So grab your camera and log-in to the Space Savers community to enter your chaotic closet today
Hi! I just read what you wrote on Brittany's blog. COngrats on being in the spotlight! ^_^
I totally LOVE your idea of writing an Encouragement Journal/Blog Page! I really really REALLY need that now. My life now is a chaotic mess and I feel pretty negative about everything. I need the encouragement, however i can get it.. i'll take it. So starting tonight, I will write an Encouragement Journal..
MUCH LOVE and MUCHO thanks! ^_^
I just cleaned out all of my closets last week! I wonder if I messed them all up again if I would still have time to enter? LOL
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