California Momma's Pages

Thursday, July 1, 2010


I'm doing a new meme today, because well to be honest, I'm lacking in the reader department. Maybe it's me, or maybe I've been pre occuppied with my new projects and have not put enough effort into my last few posts. I can see that I'm lacking in a substance on a few of them, and for that I apologize. I don't want to lose the momentum that I had just started to gain. So, I'm going to try to jump on the Friday Follow Me Train and get myself back to writing some posts that are worth reading. 
Thank you for your patience and your loyalty!!
So now let's get this party started with some instructions and a few rules!!! Have a blast and enjoy the blogs you decide to look at. Thank you and have a great holiday weekend!!!

Welcome to the 5th Friday Follow hosted by our awesome hostesses, Dania and Frances at The Kiddie Fashionista, Michelle at Momma’s Pixie Dreams, and Tiffany at My Crazy Kind of Wonderful. Thank you ladies for being willing to host! Please stop by and see these awesome ladies.
We invite you to join us every Friday to get more blog followers and to find many interesting blogs that you like. This is all about sharing and having fun.
We expect you to be on your honor and to have fun. These are only guidelines to make it more enjoyable for you. Here’s how YOU can join the Friday Follow celebration:
  • Link up your blog below.. One Link per blog
  • Grab our Friday Followbutton include on your side bar, or post.. grab the linky information if you want it
  • Follow the Friday-Follow blog and the hostesses in slots 1, 2 & 3 that have volunteered today to host
  • Follow the blogs you want, leave comment saying you are from Friday Follow – use common courtesy
  • No spammers, or xxrated blogs – family friendly
If you need more guidelines about following see
This list is new each week and closes on Saturday at 11:59pm EST. The links do not carry over. Please link up each week for new participants to find your blogs. It will be visible all week to visit the blogs listed.

Blogger Templates


Christina said...

Following you back...i love your header. Happy Friday!! and thanks for popping into my page

Michelle Pixie said...

Happy Friday Follow!! Have a wonderful weekend!! =)

Tiffany said...

Thanks for visiting my blog! I'm returning the follow.

Tiffany said...

Thanks for visiting my blog! I'm returning the follow.