California Momma's Pages

Thursday, July 1, 2010

WTF? CAN I REALLY BE...pregnant?

This is just a little addition to my other post I wrote today. I really am taking on too much, if I can't even remember when My "Aunt Flo" was scheduled to make her monthly visit. It wasn't until I was looking at my cell phone calendar, for a past date last month, when I looked at my 5 marked days nicely placed in the 2nd week of the month.
A stopped, and quickly counted backwards and as I went passed day 28, I started to count faster, but I skipped a day, so had to start over. {GRRRR} So again, I counted, and at day 28, I intentionally counted each day slowly. 
By the time I reached the end of my last period, I was at day 44!!!!!!!!
That's almost 3 weeks late...I'm so on my way to the drug store to get a home pregnancy test.
I'm nervous, and EXCITED. Me and Jon have been together for almost 8 years and if I were pregnant, It would be such a blessing and I can't wait to know.
Im off to but that darn test. I'll give the results here tomorrow and hopefully it will be a Fabulous Friday!!!

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Cindy said...

Oh my gosh, go get a test already!!!

Following you, and can't wait to hear if you get a BFP!!!

Tree said...

WOOHOO! Good luck girl! I always remember when "Aunt Flo" is visiting....cause at my age, it's ALL the damn time! LMAO