California Momma's Pages

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Stop Procrastinating!!!

I have stopped procrastinating and have made that first step towards making a life altering change. A scary change that literally puts A TON of questions and insecurities on the front burner in your mind. I have allowed myself to wait long enough. I am taking the first steps in  the long and scary process of starting your own business. That's right, Jon(boyfriend) and I have discussed the pros and cons and with hard work and motivation, and a positive outlook, (and luck) I'm going to launch, "California Momma's Gallery of Custom Art and Web Design".
I like the sound of that. I know its going to take an EXTREME amount of hard work and effort, but this is something I truly want and I have the drive to start this and see it through all the way. 
So please if there is anything I need or should know before I dive head first into this, PLEASE let me know. Any and all input I can get will be greatly appreciated
So now let's get busy with the Lady Bloggers Tea Party Social. I love Saturdays, and finding new blogs. So if you don't know what The Tea Party is, please click HERE and read about it. While you are there, join in and get to know some great bloggers. Use the Linky tool to link up to my page and to The Lady Bloggers Society Main page.  Ok, lets get the Party Started!!!   Thanks again, and have a great weekend!

Blogger Templates


Tree said...

You go girl!! I think that's an awesome idea, and you should do great! I didn't realize you did web design too. I'm a self-taught designer....started out doing forum skins and now blog and web design. :)

Good luck with your new business!!

Genevieve Richer said...

Congrats!!! Best of luck SITS sista!

FASHION du jour said...

Really great idea!