California Momma's Pages

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Lady Bloggers Tea Party

Today is a busy day ! Here's the begining of my day...lady Bloggers Tea Party Its time to mingle and meet some new bloggers!!!
The rest of my day is going to be just as crazy, but definately fun..You will all see very soon why I say this.

So anyways, have a fun time and see you all later!!

Blogger Templates

1 comment:

allthingsnew said...

Hi! I am following you now from your Lady Blogger's Tea Party! I'm glad I found it :) I love that you have an animated button for your site..I've never seen that before! We used to live in Murrietta (even though I can't spell it still!). Isn't that close to Riverside?

Hope you'll come check out my blog when you get a chance. I have a daily post called the Low Entry Lowdown where I list low entry giveaways from several different blogs! Thanks again for hosting this linky!

Ten Talents...